This is my website and it provides links to my interests and activities. Below you will find links to
these things. The most active pages relate to software development and travel.
Travels, Software, Links and More
Trips & Journeys
Over the last few years we have been taking some very interesting trips. Recently these have
included trips to the Mexican Yucatan peninsula and other locations in the Caribbean. While in
Mexico we have visited many of the Mayan archaeological sites and I have done a considerable
amount of scuba diving, including excursions to Cozumel. We have definitely fallen in love with
Mexico and discovered some favourites, in particular, Cozumel and Akumal, Mexico, that we
return to again and again.
The Recent Travels page contains descriptions and links to pictures. It has some of the
characteristics of a blog, but I'm afraid it will not be updated as frequently.
We have been going to Caribbean destinations when it's cold here in Nova Scotia since March
2004. Even though we will continue to visit our favourites, there are new places to discover. We
also have good reasons to visit Europe.
I enjoy the challenges and puzzles associated with programming. Over the years I have learned
a number of programming languages. As a teaching language, I thoroughly enjoyed Pascal!
However, Pascal is not a great production language; it is not inherently object oriented and the
development environments provide some additional challenges. However, if you would like to
check out Pascal, Pascal Programming, The Pascal Programmer, Free Pascal and GNU Pascal
are resources for you.
In the early 80's, I taught myself C and later C++. This is now my language of choice and I use
MS Visual C++ with Microsoft Visual Studio.
All software posted on this site (use the BruntonSoft Software link above) is available for
personal use without charge. If you find it useful, I'm delighted. Please let me know. If you
encounter problems, I'll do my best to assist and the problem you identify may result in an
overhaul of the code. Similarly, if you find some aspect of the user interface awkward or less
than intuitive, let me know that as well. All feedback is appreciated and I will respond as quickly
and thoroughly as possible. Please note, however, programming is a labour of love and not my
occupation. And while I no longer have a day job, we are travelling and generally enjoying the
freedom of retirement. Therefore, I will be glad to address any problems you may uncover, but I
cannot guarantee a timely response or an immediate turnaround.
Software Recommendations
I work primarily in a Windows environment. At home I am now using Windows 7 and at work,
while that continues to be something in my life, as well. My primary productivity tools are
Microsoft Office (Office 2013 at home and Office 2007 when I was at work) and MS Visual
Studio 2008 (C++). There are, however, a host of other programs that enhance the things I need
to do, the things I like to do and the computing environment in which I do them. On the Software
Recommendations page I have listed those programs, freeware, shareware and commercial,
that I regularly use. I've added whatever comments I think may be relevant to describe the
software and help you decide if you should give it a try.
© Copyright Ron Brunton, 2018